Monday, June 30, 2008

Epic journey to get to Morocco-Part 1

Day 1: Leaving Seattle.
Arrived at Seatac Airport 2 ½ hours early, checked into the flight, without a seat assignment. I was told to check in at the gate to get my seat assignment. I stopped for lunch, and arrived at the gate around 30 minutes, to find a line of 25 people who were also awaiting seat assignments. Yes, 25 others that were sold an oversold flight. I will name Northwest Airlines as the airline for the following events. Where they did good, I will try to convey that, and also identify where I was disappointed.
About 3 minutes before the flight was to leave, I was called up to the counter and told two people didn’t show so I had a seat. Just then two people came running and screaming at the counter to let them on. There went my seat. As I heard the annoucement that the airplane doors were closing, I knew I was getting bumped non-voluntary. I asked the counter to get my luggage off the flight since I was not on it. I was told by the supervisor at that gate, my luggage was not coming off the plane, and sure enough, the gate pulled away without me, but with my luggage. I was later told in Minneapolis, that that was illegal and if anyone in the TSA reading this can clarify, comment on my blog and I will get back to you with any information you need. I was also told not to expect to see my luggage in Marrakesh until I get there, make a claim and several days later it may arrive. No bike helmet, no bike shorts, only 1 bike jersy…not good for a 200 mile MTB trip in 7 days.
Northwest Airlines score (minus 2, no seat, luggage adrift).
I decided to use the lunch voucher they gave me to cool off, knowing I missed my flight before the negoiation began for the next part of the journey. I got back to the counter and told them the offer to put me on a flight the next day was unacceptable. Having done flight research, I gave them 4 options. We found Seattle to Minneapolis, Minneapolis to Amsterdam where I would catch up with my luggage and catch the same flight to Casablanca. The only problem, the Seattle to Minneapolis flight was also grossly oversold. The other flight was from Seattle To London, London to Marrakesh, arrive same day as before, no luggage. We tried for the Mineapolis flight. 3 minutes to leaving, the flight had 5 seats oversold, but the TSA shut down all flights from leaving for some incident. When they opened, the had 2 opened seats, I walked on with the flight attendant and a lady wanting to be bumped. Well, there was only 1 seat and she volunteered to be bumped and was directly told by the lady at the counter my flight ticket would be updated. Now I am on the plane to Minneapolis, and going to meet up with my luggage.
Northwest Airlines score ( plus 1, alternate flight found and on a plane).
Our flight from Seattle to Minneapolis was late getting in so I only had 30 minutes to get to the next terminal. I scurry from the plane to the next plane ( I had no checked luggage at this time). I get to the gate, only to be told (wait for the next post):
Next post: The next obstacle:


kayowe said...

I love this story.

Anonymous said...

Please post again can't leave a cliff hanger like's just not fair!