Sorry for the delay in posting. Here is part 1 of Manuel Antonio National Park. We got to the airport 30 minutes before the flight left, drove up within 100ft of the airplanes got in the terminal handed over our passports and were given a yellow plastic ticket the size of a dinner plate with the number 1 on it. I guess they re-use these tickets. Security consisted of a guy opening a zipper on your bag, feeling around and waving you through.
Then came the plane...12 seat Cessna single prop. What a fun flight. You could see the Ground Prox system next to the pilot and GPS course pre-programed in. The landing was crazy. We circled around at a crazy steep bank then saw what looked like a small 2 lane road cut out of the jungle just wide enough for the wings to clear the jungle on the side of the road. Well that was our runway...
We saw a sign for a catarata (waterfall) and took the side trail because the masses weren't taking it. We stumbled across this 3-Toed Sloth.
He or she was quite active actually moving.
When they sleep 18 hours a day, kind of nice to see one awake.
See the three toes...this one didn't have a care how fast he got anywhere.
So we hiked all the way to the waterfall, only there was no waterfall...dry time of year there. Nice hike though.
Back on the main road, this deer decided to cross the road and say hi.
On the walk up to a vista, we heard something in the trees and found around 12 of these guys bouncing around the trees.
Seeing something run across the path, it took 5 minutes, but we finally spotted this guy. This shot I was at a full 300mm to pick this up.
Part 1: Lots of walking, through jungle paths, down to nice beaches seeing all sorts of wildlife. No need to pay for a guide because the groups are so big you can walk, catch up to one, look at whatever they found, continue to the next group and group guide hop not having to spend 10 minutes watching a hermit crab.
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