Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I made it to the southern most part of the Pan American Highway in Tierra Del Fuego park. Pretty cool. The mountains rise out of the water really high and this is summer and it snowed 2 days ago...king of cold, but a pretty environment. Looks similar to Milford sound in New Zealand.

For those at work...our scotter is quite the vechile down here...

Enjoying life...there are actually quite a few young people down here on the Trip to Antarctica. Most are trying for the 7 continent club. This will make number 6 for me...woohoo..

Hope to add pictures later.

My next post will be on Dec 20 or 21st. Who knows, maybe the penguins set up a internet cafe in Antartica.

It gets dark a little after 11pm. We are approx 53ish degrees south lattude.

Off down south...woohoo..

Funny...quite a few of the people had never seen kelp before. It looks exactly the same as up north.

Off on a big boat...later


1 comment:

Tom said...

Trip sounds fun thus far. Looking forward to the pics.