Hi Guys,
Update: My webhosting service is calling it quits for mikewaring.com. Which means this site will have to be access from mikewaring.blogspot.com until I get another web hosting service set up. I have until mid April. I am keeping www.mikewaring.com though and hope to have a smooth transition to continue my email address @mikewaring.com.
On a side note, my next adventure is going to be with Bike Hike Adventures www.bikehike.com Mountain biking in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco which completes my goal of stepping foot on all 7 Continents.
I tried to put together a side trip to Timbukto, however there is a reason it is known for being way out in the middle of nowhere. Something about 20~40 hours on an Africa bus in the desert that needs a little more planning that hop-a-flight places. If anyone has experience getting to Timbukto, Mali please let me know.
If I got to Timbukto sometime, then I would have to go to outter Mongolia next to complete the way out of the way places.