"And the Islands are like the ice, they're nice, but they ain't squat without penguins," Frank Todd. -Thanks Kathy for helping me give credit to the right person.
Neko Harbour. What a beautiful place. We really had a treat on the last continental landing where it was super warm...mid 40's~50's which felt hot...and no wind. The sun was out and you could see for miles. The snow was fresh from the night before almost purifying the snow of all traces.
On the left of the page you will notice a world map with little dots. Those little dots represent locations where people have visited this blog. --Still have more photos to come.
In Neko Harbor, this scene reminded me of the guy from "Joy of Painting" on PBS. Lets just give this bergy bite another friend right here. We will use a little soft white and let the berg just slightly be seen underwater. There now he has a friend.
Here is a picture of the leopard seal that followed our boat around. These guys were pretty mean. This one tried to bite our zodiak on several ocastions
I finally got off graveyard and was able to go through a few more pictures: Enjoy. THe first picture is of the Lamire Channel..a must. The second photo is of the Orlova at the Melchior Islands. In Drakes passage, the waves were above the deck of the gangway. Gives some perspective to the size of the waves. The third picture is of the penguin that is looking at me in the about me photo on the left.
Jan 16: Recieved the post card I sent myself from Port Lockroy Antarctica. I got to hand it to the British to be able to get a post card from 64 degrees south lattitdue all the way up here. Attached is a picture of Port Lockroy. This picture was taken around 2300 (11pm).
Sorry for the delay in posting more pictures. My orginal count of 1600 pictures was a little off. I am actually just shy of 3,250 photos to go through. I am about 1/2 way done and am getting around a 25~30% of good photo to photos taken percentage which is far higher than I orginally thought.
Just learned I can upload my photos to Picassa and link it to my blog. Look for that in the future once I go through my photos.
I took a picture of this Iceberg as we approched the South Shetland Islands. I believe this is what on land is known as a blow hole, but not sure what to call in on an Ice-berg. Bizare but beautiful.
This was a beautiful day in Neko Harbor. I attempted to make a black and white type image from 8 pictures stitched together. Note the 100 meter ship in the middle...it looks like a spec.
The next image was from Deception Island, Whalers Bay.